There has been a lot of discussion in the news and at the water cooler about the introduction of a four day work week. Personally, I think the four day work week would be fabulous. I will take it a bit further and say for those who want and can work from home five days a week and their job would not suffer, that option should be offered too. Today it is imperative that employers and employees think outside the box, way outside the box and figure out how we can not leave our children and grandchildren a planet that is unhealthy, broke and in shambles.
I know there will be arguments that folks cannot get all their work completed in four days, or people who work from home will be slackin’ off. There is only one way to resolve that, fire them. If they are not doing their job, fire them! I know if I were not doing the kind of job I need to do, I would just quit, before being fired, but that’s just me. It’s not that I do not want to do the job or could not do the job, most of the time I just did not care and would rather be in the kitchen creating a dynamic pasta sauce using the best Vodka I could get my hands on or perfecting a chocolate chess pie made with Hot Sex! (The liquor folks, the liquor!)
Okay, so I’m the booziest kitchen foodie, cook, baker, culinary genius on the planet, trust and believe my masterpieces are delicious, and when you visit my home or Bed and Breakfast (my goal in life) you will definitely experience a “divine dine.” Hello!!!
Back to this four day work week deal, yeah it’s a good thing. I was just watching CNN who experimented with three of their employees, putting them on a four day work week schedule and all said they enjoyed it and had more quality time to spend with family. I think that says it all. If you do not want more quality time to spend with family or friends why are you here? Why are you on the planet?
Look there is only one thing in life that is finite, limited and cannot be purchased or battered, it’s time. Fortunately for most of us we do not know when our time is up, so since that question is out their floating in the wind, let’s take advantage of every little opportunity awarded us. If the boss says work four days, go for it. If the boss says work from home, go for it. Life is too short to not take advantage of time spent with the people who mean the most to us, our family and friends.
I have read on forums and chats that folks who work from home feel isolated, alone and often suffer from depression. Oh hell no! Look start a MeetUp for telecommuters, meet at the coffee shop, your favorite Chinese Restaurant and have lunch or invite other tele’s over for lunch, meet at the park for an hour; but let nothing get in the way of your freedom to work outside the traditional brick and mortar.
After viewing the CNN special I decided to seek out all those telecommuters and create a wonderful “cooking parti” for them. Gather your friends and family and for one hour let’s partake in a lunch and learn in the privacy of your own home. Hey, I’ll even show you how to make that Hot Sex Chocolate Chess pie for your significant other who unfortunately is not as lucky as you and must fight that mess on the Interstate. Look, everyone is not going to be as fortunate, but you can at least have something special waiting for them when they walk in the door.