Monday, January 12, 2009
I am going to tell you a story so just roll with it. Once upon a time there was a little child who loved his mother very much. Mom and dad worked very hard to provide "little man" with everything he needed and most of the things he wanted. One day it was discovered that mom was going to have a baby; twins to be exact. This made "little man" very happy. When the babies arrived home, a very interesting thing happened. Mom decided to stay home with the babies until they got bigger. This made "little man" really, really happy. He had his Mom and sister and brother home when he arrived from school each day.
One day "little man" explained to his teacher that he was just so happy his Mom was home with the babies because she now prepares a "feast." The child went on to say, "Mom is COOKING US DINNER AT HOME, she made a chicken in-the-oven, and green bean casserole, rolls, and a pie and we are so happy."
So why was the child so happy? This little story is true and was provided by a teacher in a public school system in the south. It was reported that most of the children in the school eat out for dinner every night, rarely getting a home cooked meal. And we wonder why our children are obese, diabetes is on the rise and our little ones suffer from all sorts of allergies, headaches and insomnia?
I will continue to say it until I am blue in the face. GET BACK TO THE BASICS! GET BACK TO THE BASICS! GET BACK TO THE BASICS! Please parents, understand that it starts with you. Don't talk about how busy you are, or how you have to work late and don't have time. Learn, take a cooking class or two or three. Learn how to organize your food pantry and LEARN TO COOK! I teach private classes and I had maybe two inquires last year. Today people want to be entertained, but you better wake up and get educated about food preparation. Look, just think about!
We have already lost two generations, how many more must we lose.
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